The Salt Lake/Ogden Longarm Quilt Guild is a group dedicated to learning more about the art of machine quilting and sharing the love of the art with others in northern Utah. Guild members come from all walks of life and age ranges and work on every variety of long arm and standard machines. For information about past meetings read more on our blog.
Monthly meetings are held every other month and usually include a book and gadget review, local news and events, a show and tell portion so that we can see what others in the Guild are working on, and an invited speaker. Quilting patterns, tips, and resources are shared. Time is opened at the end to discuss problems and exciting solutions that members have had over the previous months.
Guild meetings take place from 10am to 1pm on the third Saturday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November).
Location: Handiquilter Warehouse
501 N 400 W
North Salt Lake, Utah10:00am – 1:00am
Membership dues are $20/year
Please print this form and bring with your renewal/new dues to the next meeting. Renewal/New Dues Form
We are always excited to meet new members! If you are new feel free to drop by a meeting and introduce yourself.